
This API Documentation refers to objects shipped with Halite III starter kits:


The game object holds all metadata to run the game, and is an organizing layer between your code and the game engine. Game initializes the game, which includes generating the map and registering the players.

  • Initialization phase

    A game of Halite III is initialized when each player sends a string name. Game forwards this to the engine, and launches the game.


  • Game loop

    The game loop sends the game state to the players and processes commands returned from the players. This repeats for each turn. Games last between 400 and 500 turns per game depending on map size. The game engine kills any bot that takes more than 2,000 milliseconds to process.

    game.update_frame() updates the game state, and returns nothing.

  • Command queue

    The command queue is a list of commands. The player’s code fills this list with commands and sends it to the game object, where it is sent to the game engine. The game engine kills any bot that attempts to issue multiple commands to one ship.


    Valid commands that can be sent to the engine:

    Action Engine Command
    MOVE m
    Move Commands n, s, e, w and o for origin (stay still)


Players have an id, a shipyard, a halite_amount, and dictionaries of ships and dropoffs as member variables.

  • Ships

    Players can access their ships either singly by id, or all together as a list. See methods on ships below.

    player.get_ship(ship_id) returns the ship object associated with the ship id provided as an argument.

    player.get_ships() returns a list of all ship objects.

    player.has_ship(ship_id) checks if you have a ship with this id.

  • Dropoffs

    Players can access their dropoffs either singly by id, or all together as a list.

    player.get_dropoff(dropoff_id) returns the dropoff object associated with the dropoff id provided as an argument.

    player.get_dropoffs() returns a list of all dropoff objects.

  • Access Other Players

    Players can access all players’ ships, shipyard, and dropoffs. game.players is a dictionary of player ids keys to player objects in the game.

    for player in game.players: loops over each player in the game by player_id key, including you.


Ships carry up to 1,000 halite as cargo and can be issued one command per turn via the command queue. Ships automatically deposit their cargo when over the shipyard or dropoff points. If two ships collide, both are destroyed; their cargo falls back into the sea at the collision site.

Ships have an owner, an id, a position, and a halite_amount.

  • Cargo

    ship.is_full returns a boolean True if ship is carrying 1,000 halite (the maximum). Otherwise returns False.

  • Convert to Dropoff

    Ships can be converted into dropoff sites at their present location. The conversion costs 4,000 halite, deducted from total current stored halite. The converted ship’s halite cargo and the halite in the sea under the new dropoff is credited to the player. These credits resolve first, and can be used toward the cost of the dropoff.

    ship.make_dropoff() returns an engine command to convert this ship into a dropoff.

  • Collect Halite at Origin

    Ships can collect 25% of the halite from the sea at their present location, rounded up to the nearest integer.

    ship.stay_still() returns an engine command to keep this ship where it is and collect halite.

  • Move

    Ships can move one square in a cardinal direction per turn. Each move costs 10% of the halite available in the sea at the ship’s starting location, debited from the ships’ cargo. The direction of the move is communicated via the command queue.

    ship.move(direction) returns an engine command to move this ship in a direction without checking for collisions.


Each player begins the game with a shipyard. Shipyards have an owner, an id, and a position.

  • Spawn

    shipyard.spawn() returns an engine command to generate a new ship.


You create a dropoff at any location on the map by converting a ship. Ships can store halite at a dropoff point just as they would at the shipyard. If two dropoffs are constructed in the same location, the engine returns an error and the construct command fails. The player class has the methods to access dropoffs.

Dropoffs have an owner, an id, and a position.


Gameplay takes place on a wrapping rectangular grid 32x32, 40x40, 48x48, 56x56, or 64x64 in dimension. The map edges wrap to their opposite edge and create a torus shape. The game map can be indexed by a position or by a contained entity (ship, shipyard, or dropoff). The game map has width and height as member variables.

  • Calculate distance

    A method that computes the Manhattan distance between two locations, and accounts for the toroidal wraparound.

    game_map.calculate_distance(source, target) returns a number.

  • Normalize position

    A method that normalizes a position within the bounds of the toroidal map. Useful for handling the wraparound modulus arithmetic on x and y. For example, if a ship at (x = 31, y = 4) moves to the east on a 32x32 map, the normalized position would be (x = 0, y = 4), rather than the off-the-map position of (x = 32, y = 4).

    game_map.normalize(position) returns a normalized position.

  • Get Unsafe Moves

    A method that returns a list of direction(s) to move closer to a target disregarding collision possibilities. Returns an empty list if the source and destination are the same.

    game_map.get_unsafe_moves(source, destination) returns a list of closest directions toward the given target.

  • Naive Navigate

    A method that returns a direction to move closer to a target without colliding with other entities. Returns a direction of “still” if no such move exists.

    game_map.naive_navigate(ship, destination) returns a single valid direction toward a given target.


A map cell is an object representation of a cell on the game map. Map cell has position, halite_amount, ship, and structure as member variables. For example, you can index the game map and find a particular map cell with game_map[position].

  • Property Accessors

    map_cell.is_empty returns True if the cell is empty.

    map_cell.is_occupied returns True if there is a ship on this cell.

    map_cell.has_structure returns True if there is a structure (a dropoff or shipyard) on this cell.

    map_cell.structure_type returns the type of structure on this cell, or None if there is no structure.

  • Navigational Marking

    map_cell.mark_unsafe(ship) is used to mark the cell under this ship as unsafe (occupied) for collision avoidance. This marking resets every turn and is used by naive_navigate to avoid collisions.


A position is an object with x and y values indicating the absolute position on the game map. Position is defined in the file hlt/positionals.py. You can use the position information on an entity (entity.position), or create a new position object with Position(x, y).

position.directional_offset(direction) returns a new position based on moving one unit in the given direction from the given position. This method takes a direction such as Direction.West or an equivalent tuple such as (0, -1), but will not work with commands such as "w".

position.get_surrounding_cardinals() returns a list of all positions around the given position in each cardinal direction.


A direction is a direction of movement: Direction.West, Direction.North, Direction.East, Direction.South. Direction is defined in the file hlt/positionals.py.

Direction.get_all_cardinals() returns an array of all cardinal tuples.

Direction.convert() returns a letter command from a direction tuple.

Direction.invert() returns a letter command of the opposite cardinal direction given a direction tuple.